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Summer BOOST

Enrollment for Summer Boost 2025 is now Available

Summer BOOST helps currently enrolled students at WVU increase their cumulative GPA and earn course credit during the summer term. 

This program offers resources that help you succeed academically. If you complete the program requirements (listed below), you're also eligible for a stipend. In-state students can earn up to 30% of university tuition. Out-of-state students can earn up to 40% of university tuition.

You must be enrolled in a regular summer term course (between May 19 and August 8, 2025).  Contact your adviser to enroll in Summer Boost.

Maymester course sections are not supported through this program. 

You must meet at least ONE of the following eligibility requirements and meet with your adviser to be admitted to the program:

  • Overall GPA below 2.5

  • Repeating a course with previous D/F grade (no W), or

  • Failing to meet eligibility for need or merit-based aid

How to Apply:
If you're interested in the Summer BOOST program, please contact your academic adviser who will review your academic record to determine if you meet the criteria above and submit your eligibility decision. 

Once your adviser approves your Summer Boost 25 enrollment, you will receive a mix email indicating you've been accepted into Summer Boost. Be sure to follow up with your adviser if you don't receive the email confirming your enrollment into Summer Boost Information for advisers.

Program Requirements for Tuition Stipend

The tuition stipend for Summer BOOST participants is equivalent to 30% of university tuition for in-state students and 40% for out-of-state students for the Summer 2025 term. Other charges such as college tuition and university fees are not calculated in the tuition stipend.


The following actions are required for tuition stipend consideration:

  • Be admitted to the Summer BOOST program for 2025 and receive the admit email from REACH Student Success
  • Earn a C- or better in all attempted WVU courses in the Summer 2025 term
  • Enroll in courses at WVU for the Fall 2025 term

Students completing the requirements for the stipend will receive a credit to their student account.  All stipend awards (regardless of course dates) will be processed approximately two weeks AFTER final grades are released in August. Fall bill payment deadlines will still apply.

Benefits of the Program

Students can focus and have an opportunity to improve grades, increase overall GPA, and meet benchmarks necessary for need and merit-based aid. 

Other benefits include:

  • Students can take part in smaller, more intensive classes.
  • Students can utilize success coaches and workshops to help improve academic performance.
  • Students on academic suspension can potentially raise their CGPA sufficiently to return to WVU for the upcoming fall term.
  • Students who earn a C- or better in each attempted course and enroll at WVU for the Fall 2025 term, are eligible for a tuition stipend to be applied as a credit to the student account.
  • Access to success coaches and the REACH Lounge
  • Students will receive ongoing emails throughout the summer with program updates, important deadlines, and information on WVU resources.

Important Notes For Participants

  • Students should contact their academic adviser to begin the program admission process.
  • All program admissions decisions will be emailed to a student's MIX account.  If you haven't received an email, you probably are not admitted to Summer Boost.  Be sure to follow up with your adviser.
  • Student must pay summer tuition before courses begin.
  • Courses during summer sessions are typically either 3 or 6 weeks long. It is your responsibility to check the times and dates for courses when registering.
  • All courses must be degree pursuant to be eligible for the program.
  • Stipends will not be credited to student accounts until approximately TWO weeks after final grades are released in August.
  • Deadlines for fall bill payment will apply regardless of expected stipend award. 

Enrollment Process

  • Connect with your academic adviser to express interest in this program.
  • The academic adviser will review your academic record to determine eligibility.
  • You will receive notification of Summer Boost to your MIX email. If you do not receive an email, please follow up with your adviser.

Please review the dates below.

Class Start Date Acceptance  Due Date
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For questions or comments, please contact 304-293-5804 or
Still waiting to hear back from your academic adviser? Submit this inquiry form.