Summer BOOST
Enrollment for Summer Boost 2025 is now Available
Summer BOOST helps currently enrolled students at WVU increase their cumulative GPA and earn course credit during the summer term.
This program offers resources that help you succeed academically. If you complete the program requirements (listed below), you're also eligible for a stipend. In-state students can earn up to 30% of university tuition. Out-of-state students can earn up to 40% of university tuition.
You must be enrolled
in a regular summer term course (between May 19 and August 8, 2025). Contact your adviser to enroll in Summer Boost.
Maymester course sections are not supported through this program.
You must meet at least ONE of the following eligibility requirements and meet with your adviser to be admitted to the program:
Overall GPA below 2.5
Repeating a course with previous D/F grade (no W), or
- Failing to meet eligibility for need or merit-based aid