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Are you struggling to understand tough material in a certain class? Are you looking to bump that grade from a C to a B, or a B to an A? Meet one-on-one with a peer who's recently excelled in the class you're taking. Together, you’ll walk through the coursework and figure out how to tackle the subject matter. You can also discuss different strategies that you can use to help improve your learning.

Book Tutoring Appointments Online

  • Book Tutoring Appointments Online in Navigate.
  • Click “Get Assistance” in the top right corner.
  • Choose the service, location and time that works best for you.
Find visual step-by-step instructions here.


Academic Resource Center (ARC)

Bennett Tower, Room M04

or online via ZOOM.

We are here to help! Grab your materials (books, notes, etc.) and come see us.

Drop-in anytime Monday-Thursday 6-9pm, or

Schedule a 1-on-1 appointment.

Fall 2024 Drop-in Tutoring Schedule

For additional information about tutoring on campus, visit